Arcade Extreme

Armed Police Batrider, Torneo o meno, strategie aggratis

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view post Posted on 1/9/2006, 19:10 by: LUN




Se il gioco scelto sarà diverso mollero' la presa, ma nel frattempo ecco qua:

Topico di riferimento su shmups. C'è passata gente con esperienza nel gioco, quindi per forza è una fonte inesauribile di finezze. Poi appena riesco vedo anche i tipi di ship usate dai primi 3 in classifica.

Per iniziare quotiamo Icarus (traduco stringatissimamente):

Regarding Rank:
I'm not entirely sure what constitutes rank, but from observation it seems to be tied to survival time, stage order and Shot/Option strength. If anyone has more concrete info on this then I'm all ears ^_^

Niente di sicuro, ma influiscono con relativa certezza il tempo in cui si rimane in vita, l'ordine degli stage e la forza di sparo e option varie. Ah, bisognerebbe lasciare il gioco girare senza fare nulla per 30 minuti per partire dal rank piu' basso. Folle, ma funziona cosi' (correggetemi SEMPRE se lancio minchiate eh).

Regarding Ship and Stage Selection:
Both the ships you choose and the starting order of stages affect the overall scoring potential of your run. From estimate you can get half of the possible maximum from just general scoring, while the other half will come from boss milking and destruction. Therefore it is important that you select your ships and stages carefully to maximise your overall scoring chances.

From experience, it is definitely important to pick Sky High as your starting stage, as you do not get extra Medals from bombing scenery like you do in the other stages, therefore you should be able to safely increase your Medal values to maximum from this stage. There are a few extra sources of Medals in this stage though, such as destroying the turrets or whatever on the large group of blue bombers (the ones you target to unlock Bashinet), as well as the turrets on the big green and yellow bombers before the boss.

La selezione degli stage e delle navette da usare è fondamentale per fare buoni punti. E' consigliato prendere "sky high" come stage iniziale perchè permette di massimizzare le medaglie in sicurezza. Ci sono fonti extra di medaglie bombardando i 2 "blue bombers", gli stessi che bisogna distruggere (?) per sbloccare Bashinet (che dovrebbe essere uno dei boss nascosti, importanti per massimizzare il punteggio).

After that, the stages need to be selected according to your actual ship selection order. For reference, I use Gain (C), Silver Sword (B) and Strawman (A) in that order, so I select Sky High, Sewer and Airport (in that order). That way, if I can survive through City and Sky High with Gain (therefore accessing Bashinet), I have a buffer life to spare to access Black Heart, and after that I should be able to extend to regain Gain for Gob-Robo at the Airport.

Experiment with your own ship selection and stage order, as you will find it does affect scoring greatly.

Qua la faccenda si complica: per accedere ai boss extra bisogna avere la ship giusta IN STOCK. Detto questo, Icarus consiglia di scegliere gli stage e le ship in maniera da creare dolci intese. Lui usa quello che vedete scritto (Gain, Silver, strawman) selezionando gli stage che vedete (sky high, sewer e airport) per avere l ship giusta al momento giusta (e in caso riguadagnarla al momento giusto grazie all'extend). Tutto da provare e riprovare, in sostanza, ogni giocatore puo' creare la sua via!

Regarding The Scoring System
You might know that Batrider shares a few traits with Garegga before it, and with Bakraid after it, in that specific attacks will give you more points from enemies. What that means is that Shot/Option (and the charged variants) will give you a certain amount of points, Aura will give you a certain amount of points and Bomb will give you a certain amount of points.

While I'm not entirely certain what enemy gives you what, I do know that it will great affect the total score you can gain. For example, the tanks with lasers in the second half of Sewer can give you 30,000pts if destroyed with Aura, same as the Sky High boss' four green satellites. In fact, the Sky High boss' satellites give you 120,000pts when you destroy all four of them, and then they give you 30,000pts each when they withdraw. 240,000pts total ^_^

It would be a good idea to check out the Service Mode's Character Object Test, as I think it lists all the point values for enemies/turrets. Might be worth noting them all down here for reference.

There are also a lot of little turrets you can milk on bosses and enemies, and some enemies/bosses have attacks you can milk (like the large missle launchers that fire salvos of four in Zenovia City). Spot these places and work them ^_-

Shot/option, aura (non sparate e toccate il nemico/oggetto con la punta della ship) e bombe danno punti differenti a seconda del nemico abbattuto. Come in Garegga per capirci, bombardare dei nemici potrebbe valere anche il doppio di ucciderli con lo shot (oltre al fatto che la bomba sullo scenario in genere rivela le medaglie).
Esempi vari: i carri con laser della seconda parte di sewer danno 30.000 punti se distrutti con l'aura, il boss di sky high puo' essere milkato per 240.000 (importante distruggere i quattro satelliti con l'aura).
Il milking dei boss è importante, ci sono attacchi che si possono milkare (missili o cazzate varie) e torrette da distruggere completamente. Un esempio di milkaggio di boss viene dal primo che arriva senza toccare lo stage edit. Si possono distruggere a dx e sx due parti di braccio (le prime) per ottenere dei detriti che, colpiti con l'aura, danno un gradevole amount di punti. C'era un replay per questo, bisognerebbe ritrovarlo!

Ah, come base faccio un'aggiunta ovvia: le medaglie. Quei cazzetti che aumentano progressivamente (e in maniera quasi misteriosa) il loro valore fino a raggiungere il MAX... Presente? Ok. Bisogna maxarle il prima possibile (scegliendo sky high come stage 1 suggerisce Icarus) e non perderle: missarne una in volo signifca dover ricominciare il conteggio, mentre quelle a terra mi pare di ricordare che possano essere lasciate scorrere, ma l'ultima di un gruppetto va comunque presa per evitare il reset.

Auspico l'intervento di chiunque vagamente interessato, speriamo di recuperare anche il buon vecchio stratos, perso nel terrificante mondo del lavoro :lol:


Quoto AWJ sul rank:

The initial rank at the start of a game depends, essentially, on how busy the machine is. Every time a player plays a game, the initial rank increases a little. Every time the entire attract sequence cycles, the initial rank decreases a little.

Come dicevo prima. Il gioco parte al max rank, e ogni volta che parte il filmino delle vacanze il rank diminuisce. Il min dovrebbe atrrivare dopo 30 minuti. Naturalmente col mame si puo' fare un save state, ma la cosa e' problematica se si vuole registrare un inp. Soluzione non si vuole mandare l'inp a siti vari ma semplicemente farne un filmato? Usare winkawaks e registrare da savestate.


The rain of missiles before Boredom (Sky High's boss) are best attacked with a wide bomb, as you can get about 200k from one bomb.

Using Aura against Boredom's green satellites is a tricky method, but you get 30,000pts each from them. When you destroy all four, they will withdraw. Use a Bomb on them to get a further 30,000pts each.

Boredom's arms - the ones that have three turrets on them - are worth 10,000pts each. The drones you can milk for Medals.

Bashinet has a few weapons you can destroy, for a large number of points each. Those little flying things that attach Bashi's weapons will give you a Medal for each one destroyed. The circular saw weapon can be destroyed as well, and will regenerate. I think the second form - the grey armor and twin laser cannons - has a milkable attack, the large missiles fired from the sides.

The five flipover turrets that you need to destroy to access Black Heart in the Sewer stage are best attacked from the right side, and with a widearea piercing bomb (Silver Sword's Napalm, Strawman's Vulcan etc). Wait until the far right side one is just about to flip to flat, then bomb to the left, and you should destroy all of them when they are fully flipped to get four Medals each from them. 20 Medals each at MAX is aout 200k.

After the flipover turrets, and the runway that hides Medals that follows, is a large group of inactive mecha sat to the left of the screen (before the first box that holds four Medals when bombed). Using a widearea bomb on this section can give you about 100-300k extra in points.

To the right of the next section are a few tanks (the ones with two turret ports on the top) and a laser tank in the middle. Bombing the tanks on the right gives you 30,000pts each, while using Aura to destroy a laser tank will also give you 30,000pts per laser tank.

Use a Bomb to destroy all of Deviate's turret ports and get 50,000pts per port destroyed.

You can fully destroy both of Black Heart's wings. ^_^ Each of the support fighters will give you a Medal as well.

The two trucks that appear before the Airport main section have large Bomb icons hidden, destroy the front cab first before the trailer opens.

Use charge shot to attack the two large side parts of the turret (the target you need to destroy to unlock Gob-Robo) and stay to the sides to do as much damage to these sections before you attack the central turret.

As stated before, use Bomb on the cockpit section after Bazzcok slices it off to get 30,000pts. Also, when Bazzcok appears, use Aura on the tail for a further 30,000pts.

You need to destroy the turret next to Bazzcok's central weak point in order to force the wing to open and spawn drones. Do not attempt to open both wings as Bazzcok will fire a very fast spread at you. Milk those drones for powerups and Medals.

Bashinet2 is just as annoying as it's predecessor, but you can attack the homing bombs and the weapon attachments for 10,000pts each.

Sembra tutto abbastanza chiaro, in caso chiedete.


Non sembra necessario come toh, Ibara o Garegga. Per iniziare io non lo userei, anche se la tentazione è mastodontica :wacko:
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