Arcade Extreme

[Continuum Shift] Tsubaki Yayoi, Discussioni generiche in mezzo alle margherite e ai coniglietti

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view post Posted on 17/12/2010, 12:16




Ma tanto CS2 lo vediamo fra 600 anni, piu' che altro :/
Non so, io non riesco a regolarmi su quello, anche perche' poi quando esce sara' in arrivo un nuovo ribilanciamento DLC che poi arrivera' su arcade sotto forma di gioco nuovo ri-ribilanciato e...

Insomma mi concentrerei su CS se riuscissi ad ottenerlo :psy:
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view post Posted on 17/12/2010, 12:41

per la cronaca anche tsubaki in base ai feed su cs2 sembra un pg mica da ridere
view post Posted on 17/12/2010, 12:52

vero, dimenticavo di aver letto qualche complimento pure per tsubaki cs2 (tipo dash 5B real good)
view post Posted on 17/12/2010, 12:57

Questa è la lista dei suoi cambiamenti:

+ 5D's charge speed is faster than before. It seems like he got 1.5 charge meter really fast.
+ 2D's initial charge speed is kinda slow, after that it gets faster.
+ Air throw can be followed up midscreen without gauge.
+ A/B/C "Sword" staggers on ground hit.
- The opponent techs faster when hit by 3C, so you have no other choice but use 3CC.
- Her ground throw cannot be cancelled; it blows the opponent off like you were hit by "Wind".
- While charging, you're in CH status.
- "C Light" does not break Primers.
o 6CC > "D Wind" is possible on corner.
o On midscreen, "D Wind" blows the opponent just like A/B/C, but can't be followed-up.
o "A Spear" has the same startup time from CS1 but since there isn't any invencibility anymore, people were hit out of it a lot. Can't be followed up even on CH.
o 6B looks faster, can't follow-up with 5C anymore.
o "Airthrow > 2CC > j.C > dj.CC > "A Light" > "C Wing"" deals around 2400 damage.
o "A/B/C Sword" on CH is just like CS1.
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