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"Allora Mr 'Sto Giappone ?!??", MOAR Cookies Plz - Deer Very Happy

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view post Posted on 3/8/2009, 21:11 by: --Fran--

stand by moi

floating in space



eventualmente poi edito / nukko cercando di accorpare meglio o che
le info vengono da tot fonti quindi metto assieme e frankensteinizzo dappanico

game-centers aka gesen

link non esotico con info eventualmente stra-pucciabili

link semi-esotico aggiunto dopo 1 mese e 1/2


Takadanobaba (aka taito station)
(cut) a 10 minute walk from shinjuku, the other way 10 minute walk to Takadanobaba, which is one the biggest hotspots for sf4 and THE biggest hotspot for SF3, and only 50 metres between those arcades!
Takadanobaba is only 2 stops away from Shinjuku (thats really central tokyo) with the Yamanote-line *it goes north, to Ikubukuro and Ueno* and when you get out there are 2 exits, one exit gets you in some sort of alley where mikado is, the other exit is right net to Big box, which you can enter and then go in an elevator to taito station . Ill copy-paste google maps for you and highlight where it is some time...
Taito Station
50 metres ahead is where we usually went for SF4, Taito Station,Its located in Big Box (right next to takadanobaba-station) on the 6th floor (u need to take an elevator) and its got 12 cabinets! *6 vs 6* where on the first ones usually the better players are (Tokido, TKD, ACRevenger, and we even saw Daigo there one evening) and the last setups is where the somewhat 'lesser' players are...
This gamecentre is 50 yen per play as well....
at BIGBOX 6F (Takadanobaba: it takes 6min. from Shinjuku by Yamanote-line)
I saw Mago, Iyo, Shiro, TKD, Fujino, Beru-Beru-Jin...
*They appears when Mago says "I will go BABA" on his blog.

update matto
This year's Tougeki is going to be the expected celebration of fighters, with tournaments for Street Fighter IV, Virtua Fighter 5R, and everything in between.
But one game is getting special treatment. A group of Street Fighter tournament organizers is holding a Street Fighter IV tournament the night before Tougeki. Called "Night Before Tougeki Festival: Shiozawa Cup" (I think that's named after Natsuki Shiozawa, who updates the SFIV official blog), the tournament will be held on August 13 starting at 18:00 at the Taito Station Big Box in Takadanobaba.
The event will consist of 5 on 5 team battles.
A total of 120 players, or 24 teams, will be able to take part.
Interested parties should see the event official site for registration instructions.
The fee is ¥1,000 per team.
According to the official site, this event has the support of Capcom, Taito and Enterbrain (publisher of Arcadia, which sponsors Tougeki). Capcom will be giving special titles to the winner and runner up teams.
cazz..dobbiamo trovare un 5to :fp:

the best for sf3, its only 50 yen (helps alot!) and the people there are amazing... even the no-names will give you an asswooping if you dont watch out, we met Boss there, he was with Ma Junior and Raoh, Match was there, its Ruu's and Vanao's stomping grounds, we met Kazuya's Alex, Shintarou's Yun.... crazy shit there, be sure to keep your wednesdaynights free because that's SF3 night in Mikado, expect about 20-25 people ready to kick your asses from oro's to necro's to Ryu's!

VERSUS (Nishi-Nippori: it takes about 30min. from Shinjuku by Yamanote-line)
I saw Nuki, Ike, Kanbara...I think Nuki always there.
versus ? che stiano parlando della ex game inn sakura ?

(Nakano: it takes 5min. from Shinjuku by Chuo-line)
I saw cab, Itabashi-Zangief, Haneyama, Ichi, Tetsu, Yoshiwo...
*On every Friday night, TRF holds SF4 tournament for skilled.
usa il chuo express arancione diretto a Nakano appunto, da
davanti all'uscita della stazione quella con cui ti trovi il ponte a sx
e i taxi davanti, c'è un attraversamento con davanti la Broadway, ovvero
la galleria con i negozi.
Entri dentro, vai dritto 100m fino a che non trovi delle scale sulla dx,
le prendi e ti trovi davanti un Mandarake ad ogni piano.
All'ultimo piano c'è la mitica TRF


(ok,non è un game center ma ci dobbiamo andare)
The event is going to run on August 7th starting at 4pm, and ending on August 8th at 5am (yes, that is no joke) at the Asagaya Loft in Tokyo and will cost 1,500yen (admission) + 500yen for a drink
ora cerco di diggare più info su dove è sto postaccio


pezzo di mappa random

Edited by --Fran-- - 28/9/2009, 07:33
559 replies since 3/8/2009, 17:21   25396 views