Arcade Extreme

Le tecniche possenti di MOV ed altri grandi del settore, tiriamocela con commenti / spiegazioni / valutazioni / test

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view post Posted on 24/6/2010, 12:49




- MOV ha spiegato ste cose agli americani durante la recente Sunroute Cup
- magari la lista contiene qualche banalita' o qualche consiglio non esattamente innovativo, ma non importa
- la lista contiene sicuramente alcune cose da provare e valutare con attenzione e possibilmente senza atteggiamenti in stile "sta roba non serve", "impariamo prima a parare basso" ecc. ecc.

Cosa vogliamo:

- vogliamo (plurale maiestatis) aggiungere commenti, spiegazioni, valutazioni, prove e quant'altro di utile si possa aggiungere sotto ad ogni punto della lista o quasi. Tutti i commenti rilevanti saranno riportati nel primo post insieme al nome dell'autore
- vogliamo genuina curiosita' verso le meccaniche del gioco / voglia di imparare

Cosa non vogliamo:
- non vogliamo come gia' scritto perdere neanche un secondo a leggere che sarebbe meglio imparare questo o quello prima di pensare a certe cose. Non e' il punto del thread, fatevene una ragione
- non vogliamo un thread riempito di minchiate e siamo pronti a deletare A RAZZO quello che ci sara' da deletare


Here is the list of techniques taught by MOV, compiled by NicaKO, extracted and revealed by Kira:

1) DED Technique
Watch meter and measure output given from normal to connect super
(if blocked meter wont build enough for super/ if hit, super will connect)

EX: MOV was playing ken in casuals and there would be times he would look closely at his meter (im talking screen in his face kinda close and watch his meter), he then dashed up to someone waking up and did st HP into super without hesitation and he pointed to the screen showing me the meter and said "DED"

2) Option Select (normal grabs)
df (block), d (lp,lk), jump forward or back
Note- the down is not neccessary for this to work since i saw MOV do this with chun in casuals using normal jump, he always said for normal grabs you want to block first and then jump tech

3) Option Select (command grabs)
Parry (f or d), then jump

He specifically said to me that for normal grabs (lp,lk) you want to block first and then jump tech
but for command grabs you parry first and then jump. Big difference when in the heat of a situation

4) Shoto vs Dudley (maybe other characters) option select (not sure?)
(Dudley jumps in)
f, d, (mk~hk), ub

If dudley (or any other character) jumps in with a normal, you can parry and then punish since you press mk and got the parry, but if you dont get a parry (opponent empty jump in) youll do jump back HK and be safe from a grab

5) Option Select with ken (not sure?)
(Opponent dash in)
St mp (lp,lk)

I believe he kara grabs with this so if he gets a parry he'll be able to go into mp, hp chain with ken to punish but it also allows him to grab if opponent doesnt do anything

6) Ken, Elena (other characters, not sure?) vs Hugo
Punish clap or st mp (I believe)
using cr. mp from Ken or Elena

Im not sure how many other characters can do this, im sure the shotos can do this but other characters not too much. I only saw him specifically do it with shotos and elena so I cant confirm. Its a great punish for Hugo's clap

7) Makoto vs Oro
Keep Distance
Use f-HP and pokes
(Opponent jump in)
use jump back HK

There was a match where MOV played and used these specfic pokes and they worked really well vs Oro (it was recorded), he did, however, say he needs more "research" with characters like Makoto before he officially uses them

He needs more "research" with the following i believe: Makoto, Yun, and Dudley
most likely more characters but thats what he told me

8) Akuma, lk tatsu
(opponent dash in), (confirm) lk tatsu

I asked him in one of my videos if he confirms that and he said "if possible, to confirm it" im assuming he meant as soon as you see cr. mp connect you quickly do the motion for lk tatsu since he presses mp and lk almost simultaneously when he showed it to me

9) Back throw (Ken)

When you back throw an opponent who is thrown nearly full screen or has a slow wake up then you can taunt for free

10) Ken in corner
Best way to escape corner ("switch")
Normal tatsu behind opponent

This is a really smart way to escape the corner and to get behind an opponent that surprisingly no one does. It doesnt waste EX meter and if an opponent tries to jump, they will get and knocked away nearly full screen and it creates space for a free taunt from Ken

11) Gameplay for Yang vs SRK characters
Dont waste ex meter on block
Use only when confirmed (st mp, st lk link or x2)

MOV specifically was telling me vs characters like ken, or any other SRK characters not to waste EX meter with, EX slashes because (i believe) it leaves you open to a lot more punishments then using normal slashes would

12) Yang grab
neutral grab

MOV feels neutral grab is better to use with yang than f or b grab
(Possibly due to stun damage and/or positioning of opponent) (Not sure?)

Oh yes and to all Yang players, Kara grab using HK (it gives the most range and it shouldve been known but it seems not many players know about it)

13) Akuma air tatsu combo
(1 hit air tatsu) Follow with HK tatsu (Free taunt on shotos, and others)
(2 hit air tatsu) Follow with MK tatsu into SRK/
Can also use LK tatsu into SRK if you land faster than opponent

14) Chun vs Dudley's pokes (f-hp, f-hk, cr. hk, etc. Long pokes)
Punish with cr. HK or use cr. LP into super for quick punishment

15) Necro Drill Kick cross up
Parry Down (ambiguous)

I saw MOV playing a Necro player using Ken and MOV was back grabbed by the Necro player and he proceeded to do an ambiguous drill kick. MOV then parried down and then SRK'd to punish since its an ambiguous hit, he said you can parry both hits down on wake up

QUOTE (LUN @ 25/6/2010, 22:28)
Nota: si possono fare 2 parry ma poi Necro e' safe. 1 parry -> sho (DOPPIO) e' la via. Non semplicissimo ma ba bene cosi'.
Questo con Ken, altri pg possono comunque fare i loro porci comodi dopo quella parry in maniere anche inaspettate.

16) Yang vs Karakusa
Use st lk

I asked MOV about how to fight against Makoto's karakusa and he said to either use the jump option select or use st. lk to beat it. He says karakusa is 5 frames and using st. lk (which is faster than 5 frames) will beat it. So far its worked for me everytime i tried

17) Cross up Character after Ken SA3
Some characters require walk forward then f,uf
Other characters require walk forward then sj (f,d,uf)

There are different variations to this but i saw him do this on uriens walking forward
EX: SA3 connects, he walks forward a little then swings the stick (f,uf motion)
(Its so ambiguous that not even he knows where it will land, he laughed when he told me this lol)

18) Punish UOH (some characters) with Ken
Kara SRK

I asked him about this and he said you can punish UOH from some characters (definitely shotos) using Ken's KARA SRK (note- not his regular SRK) and SA3

19) Guard Jump in with small characters (not sure?)
Parry forward (5 frame parry)
Crouch block

MOV was playing Chun li vs Dudley (Commensense)
Dudley jumped up and came down with HK (late i believe) and Chun li stands forward while he's in the air but then crouches afterwards and the move completely whiffed (can be used vs other characters as well i believe)

20) Shotos Anti Air vs Dudley
Use early st HP to stuff jump in (if parried then you're still safe on the jump in)

21) Dudley Rose Mixup escape
d, neutral

When Dudley gets you in a corner mixup and throws a rose on your wake up, wait to parry the rose late and down then leave the stick in neutral afterwards

If Dudley goes for, the late low parry should take the hit from the and the rose/ If Dudley goes for f-HK, the stick is left in neutral so you will only take the hit from the f-HK and the super wont connect (if attempted).

22) Chun li SA2 Follow up
Jump up HK

MOV uses jump up HK as a follow up instead of HP because using HP an opponent with a SRK or quick frame attack will be able to reversal chun li on landing, where as jump HK will not allow that to happen and does the same amount of damage as the HP follow up

23) Chun li SA2 Follow up
Follow SA2 with lp

I saw MOV use the follow up attack with lp after SA2, after he landed he did EX Spinning Bird Kick. The point of this was that he says that at a certain point in landing when you land, the EX SPK becomes unblockable for the opponent.

QUOTE (LUN @ 25/6/2010, 03:03)
ho visto una cosa simile nel super
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: un colpo con hitbox abbastanza largo
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: mentre l'altro si rialza o atterra
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: e ti gira lo sprite senza che tu lo sappia
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: [suppongo]
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: quindi bella, la tua parata diventa CAMMINO AVANTI
[00:49] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: questa roba ti stunna quasi se entra
[00:49] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: che ghetto blackness!

Tutto vero.
La cosa funziona, nel senso che l'avversario in parata "giusta" se la pappa. Corner, midscreen, basso, in piedi. Ho provato su un buzzone (Dudley), su uno shoto (Ryu) e su un magro (Yun) e ha sempre funzionato, quindi deduco la cosa si estenda a tutto il cast.
Anche la teoria di LEVA e' giusta: provando la cosa nel training normale con autoguard (che sbito dopo la combo para *tutto*) si vede chiaramente lo sprite avversario completamente dall'altra parte che para nella direzione opposta rispetto a quella normale.

Quindi se vedete il setup sapete come evitare la sassata. Ma il mixup che si puo' fare su avversario consapevole e' comunque delizioso.

Edited by LUN - 25/6/2010, 22:43
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view post Posted on 25/6/2010, 02:03




23) Chun li SA2 Follow up
Follow SA2 with lp

I saw MOV use the follow up attack with lp after SA2, after he landed he did EX Spinning Bird Kick. The point of this was that he says that at a certain point in landing when you land, the EX SBK becomes unblockable for the opponent.

[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: ho visto una cosa simile nel super
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: un colpo con hitbox abbastanza largo
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: mentre l'altro si rialza o atterra
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: e ti gira lo sprite senza che tu lo sappia
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: [suppongo]
[00:48] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: quindi bella, la tua parata diventa CAMMINO AVANTI
[00:49] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: questa roba ti stunna quasi se entra
[00:49] LEVA - Purpling Dutchman: che ghetto blackness!

Tutto vero.
La cosa funziona, nel senso che l'avversario in parata "giusta" se la pappa. Corner, midscreen, basso, in piedi. Ho provato su un buzzone (Dudley), su uno shoto (Ryu) e su un magro (Yun) e ha sempre funzionato, quindi deduco la cosa si estenda a tutto il cast.
Anche la teoria di LEVA e' giusta: provando la cosa nel training normale con autoguard (che sbito dopo la combo para *tutto*) si vede chiaramente lo sprite avversario completamente dall'altra parte che para nella direzione opposta rispetto a quella normale.

Quindi se vedete il setup sapete come evitare la sassata. Ma il mixup che si puo' fare su avversario consapevole e' comunque delizioso.


Pagherei 2 denari perche' qualcuno si mettesse a testare per bene le cose ambiguone di Ken...

Edited by LUN - 25/6/2010, 03:18
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view post Posted on 25/6/2010, 21:28




15) Necro Drill Kick cross up
Parry Down (ambiguous)

I saw MOV playing a Necro player using Ken and MOV was back grabbed by the Necro player and he proceeded to do an ambiguous drill kick. MOV then parried down and then SRK'd to punish since its an ambiguous hit, he said you can parry both hits down on wake up

Nota: si possono fare 2 parry ma poi Necro e' safe. 1 parry -> sho (DOPPIO) e' la via. Non semplicissimo ma ba bene cosi'.
Questo con Ken, altri pg possono comunque fare i loro porci comodi dopo quella parry in maniere anche inaspettate.
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view post Posted on 26/6/2010, 13:03

Ne ho viste di cose bizzarre ma mettere le mie stronzate e la conoscenza suprema di MOV nello stesso topic è blasfemia.
view post Posted on 5/8/2010, 21:06




Poi vediamo se magari e' il caso di riorganizzare il primo post o ripensare del tutto al thread, suggerimenti ben accetti. Ad ogni modo Aku su SRK in mezzo a mille psicodrammi segreeeto-indotti ha tradotto della roba da qui:

La graziosa sezione tekunikku della nota wiki. Per le tecniche base (lo sono davvero, ma magari qualche info utile si trova) vedete qui:

Quelle avanzate, o alcune di quelle avanzate, sono state postate tradotte, postate, cancellate e poi ripostate. Io le avevo salvate in ogni caso per sicurezza perche' sono tutti impazziti la fuori ma *forse* noi ci possiamo salvare. Eccole:

if you are blocking a jump in attack while standing, the opponent has the option to hit you at the peak or the lowest of the jump. what this technique entails is for the player to crouch and parry the jump in as late as possible. by doing so, the opponent can only hit you with a deep jump in attack rather than an early one (attack will whiff). punish accordingly aft
first off in japanese terminology, blocking = guard, blocking = parry, lol. block for 6 frames, then jump on 7th frame. example situation: yun vs ken. yun jumps over ken. yun player initiates GUARD JUMP technique.
- if ken does meaty low forward as yun lands, yun is able to block
- if ken tries to grab as yun lands, yun jumps out
difficult to execute, but is practical
this is the technique that letbloodrun was talking about earlier. basically what you do is jump and press throw at the same time. no attack animation should come out as you jump. in terms of frame data, you want to guard for 6 frames, then on the 11 frame jump + throw. you must JUMP GRAB as late as possible.
example: ken walks up to you, and you initiate JUMP GRAB at 11th fr
on wake up, tap down before first frame, then immediately tap up/forward. if parry connects (low parry), confirm, then counter attack. if opponent tries to throw you will jump out.
if you are in walking animation you are not able to parry without hitting neutral. to parry things while you walk, go from downforward to forward, hit neutral, then press forward again. good against fireballs/tackles.


*1 - abbastanza dio, e Kuroda ce lo spiega:
*2 / *3 - non lo dice ma si riferisce a quando il giocatore si alza, e questo spiega i 6 frame da attendere, sono i frame di invincibilita' alle prese appena alzati. Non sembra semplicissimo prendere il timing eh, ma sono cose fattibili, volendo
*4 - fattibile, ovviamente
*5 - hmmm ok
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view post Posted on 13/8/2010, 20:22

stand by moi

floating in space


io non uso niente di questa roba
neanche option selects praticamente
mi chiedo quanto migliorerebbe il mio gioco se incorporassi anche solo poche di quelle cose


leggendo il thread...
da quando si puniscono con Super Arts gli Uoh's ?
magari se uno te lo tira da appiccicato ma max puniscono ?
io non credo
view post Posted on 17/8/2010, 20:22

ne usi 2 o 3 senza accorgertene
tipo cmk os in dash punch da range e wakeup parry alta presa, non saranno roba aliena di kuroda ok

io uso anche sggk quando mi ricordo ma come spiega cinquestelle se non sei ad un livello più che alto è inutile perchè mentre sei lì ad aspettare quella determinata cosa la tua ram si riempie e non puoi più reagire al resto delle opzioni. E' il fastido quando capita che sei pronto a punire il dash-in e l'altro ti falcia con una spazzata da distanza siderale :angry:

3* jump grab tecnique:

interessante ma quanto è rischiosa se non hai un tempismo perfetto?
rischi di subire sia la presa che il colpo del nemico [magari confermabile in super, bravo]

questo si riallaccia a un discorso decennale sulle prese....
ricordiamoci che è possibile dare l'input del throw break anche da accucciati ma non durante startup-frames attivi-recovery dei colpi come nei giochi 3D per cui se non avete un tempismo più che perfetto [e in 3s è molto difficile] lasciate perdere il crouch-tech. Dico questo perchè col crouch tech in questo gioco esce un jab basso che in genere ha una velocità di 3/4/5 frames a seconda dei personaggi ma che non è un colpo con invincibilità quindi può essere inghiottito dalla presa avversaria. Il crouch tech non è mashabile perchè conta solo il primo input, una volta che avete dato l'input se non vi trovate all'interno della presa avversaria avete sparato un jab basso che procede a fare tutto il suo corso di startup frames, active frames, recovery frames. Con questo non voglio nemmeno consigliare di fare throw break standing perchè è la muerte del bel gioco, insomma ci vuole un bel po' di esperienza per gestire le prese in 3s

2* e 4* richiedono precisione. Ma aggiungiamo un altra opzione allo scenario, ken fa cMKxxshyppu all'atterraggio di yun e yun ha già inputtato il suo OS che succede? Il freeze della super dopo il parry non fa registrare alla cpu il salto e yun rimane a terra a parare la shyppu o viene preso nei frame ficcabili del prejump?

altro non commento, avevo visto una lista più cospicua tempo addietro, dov'è finita?
view post Posted on 17/8/2010, 21:07

stand by moi

floating in space


ma io voglio solo alzarmi con guardia cinese (blocking)
poi 123 attivazione nel tuo teschiaccio (da abbassato)
e fare la chinaglia :sighsiighh:

niente os,niente tech crouch,niente pupù dei frames :B):

ah avevo scritto quella cosa che non si puniscono gli uoh's ?
bella,tipo 2 ore dopo stavo guardando lo streaming cc9
e matsuken punisce con jinrai liscia un uoh di oro

la ram piena cmq è un legno
mi ricordo all'inizio mi sembrava IMPOSSIBILE punire a riflesso le spazzate degli shotos
poi riuscivo a farlo ma la ram era così piena che venivo preso da tutto il resto che non fosse quello
ora riesco a farlo abbastanza in scioltezza senza occupare ram
devo solo ricordarmi che quella tal cosa posso punirla
ad es la spazzata e l'overhead di inchiostrone
penso di essere l'unico a punirle quelle italia...
view post Posted on 18/8/2010, 02:48

Beh gli UOH's hanno frame data variabile a seconda di quando colpiscono, è risaputo. Ci sono combo video con uoh meaty all'angolo dove poi si linka roba lenta da 5/6 frames, viceversa quando sono tirati male, in ritardo e l'altro li para da vicino sono molto punibili. Scommetto che qualche pg tipo ken può punirli anche on hit se sono spaziati male :B):

I rulloni che sanno giocare bene a sto gioco lo fanno girare con OS continui in maniera precalcolata, vedi ehmovì che ci insegna tante belle cose
la pupù dei frames andrebbe imparata perchè senza conoscere vantaggi e svantaggi è tutto a muzzo, vedi le flotte di niubbi che non capiscono cosa succede mentre tu sei li col libro della conoscenza aperto e loro ti mashano in faccia. Stessa roba che diceva cinquestellacoz che certe cose evolute funzionano solo contri chi ha cognizione e rispetta a sua volta il tuo sapere.

coop cup 9 è gioco degli dei in rialzo 9 su 10 btw, mi sto crackando dal ridere a vedere certe cose.
view post Posted on 23/8/2010, 18:14

stand by moi

floating in space


i think its hella cute how everyone is ignoring that AA is VERY MUCH GAME BREAKING

say what you want about how it won't make you that much better to use the techniques but its actually completely untrue if you have the mindset of don't be a masher.

i was using it from the time these were first posted before being deleted and it took me a while to feel its power and get it consistent but yes its broken as fuck.

as a chun player i can tell you this makes chun 100x better than she already was, matchups which used to be problematic for me (and i was already a strong supporter/user of jump back parry) are now near effortless.

furthermore it reinforces the tiers more solidly than i ever thought they would be. it really makes any mid height/short character in the top even better: ken,twins,chun,mak while drastically hurting characters like dudley who suffers now from both no jump in timing mixup and the fact that he can't perform as effectively or at all.
additionally it puts twins firmly higher imo because this technique doesn't work against dives. also places akuma higher since he has dives as well.

to be honest all the things that didn't make sense that i was hearing about how kuroda thinks of the game ALL clicked together when i really got a hang of the technique and its implications.

ma quindi ci sono tecniche che erano state postate e poi levate ?

cmq spiegate sta merda

io ho sentito da giustino riguardo sggk di chun

da vicino down e hk kara throw :huh:

Edited by --Fran-- - 15/12/2012, 08:07
view post Posted on 31/8/2010, 18:45




Ricordo un post di qualcuno (Stratos?) a riguardo o sono scemo? Ah, forse ho capito. Grazie doris, nel caso...

Anyway, riguardo TDK... Stanno facendo un bel circo su SRK. Sto tizio invece ci sta spiegando in maniera chiara che si tratta di una banalita':

una di quelle banalita' che nessuno ti dice (o sa) e che e' bene sapere

Ora per completezza andiamo anche con le altre traduzioni di aku. E con queste abbiamo tutto, tra traduzioni da wiki e tecniche di M-O-V:

しゃがみカウンター - Countering crouches:
The damage a crouching opponent will take will increase by 25%.
Furthermore, hitstun on a crouching opponent will increase by 1 frame from a medium attack, and 2 frames from a heavy attack.
However, certain attacks will make the opponent go back to a standing position.
The opponent will still take that extra damage in the first hit, but will then be in a standing position afterwards, in which any consecutive move in a combo will hit them standing.

ずらし押し(ピアノ押し) - Drumming(Piano Input 01):
You can improve your chance of landing a move by quickly pressing three buttons consecutively like a piano.
Since specials and supers can be inputted even after releasing the buttons, drumming the three punch or kick buttons will help cover the input by six frames.
However, since you can't just use one specific button for this technique, it will be difficult to use for certain Supers like the Aegis Reflector and Abare Tosanami.
It is also worth noting that using this technique for Specials may have you accidentally use the EX version instead.

ピアノ押し - Piano Input 02:
A technique that is done by quickly pressing a button twice using your index and middle finger.
This will help you increase your chances of landing what you want.
*Note - Watch Amir's "How to do dash-up Lightning Legs" video on Youtube for a demonstration*

自動発動1 - Self-invocation 01:
A technique where you whiff a cancelable normal move while inputting the motion for a Special or Super.
If the move connects, the Special or Super will come out, and if it doesn't, then nothing happens.
Famous examples are Ken's cr.MK into SA3, or Dudley's st.HK into EX MGB.

自動発動2 - Self-invocation 02:
A technique where you do a normal cancelable move that you want to connect, in which you input a delayed special or Super afterwards.
If the move was parried then the special or Super will come out, and you don't do anything if it isn't parried.
Famous examples are cl.HP or cr.MK into Shoryu, or Hugo's Clap into Gigas.
If the cancelable move doesn't have long enough cancelable frames, then you won't be able to accidentally release the move either.

自動発動3(DED) - Self-invocation 03(The DED Technique):
A technique where you do a cancelable move while inputting the Super and your SA meter almost filled to a certain point.
If the move connects and manages to fill up the meter, then the Super will come out.
If the move is blocked or parried, then you won't have enough meter for the Super to come out.
*Note: Refer to...this very thread for an example. lol*

自動発動4 - Self-invocation 04:
A technique where you input a UOH and the motion for a special move on an opponent waking up.
When you see the UOH touch the opponent and you input the button for the special..
- ..if the opponent blocks it standing, the button will have been inputted during the downward animation for the UOH, causing the special to not come out.
- ..if it hits the opponent crouching, the UOH will recover just in time for the special to connect.
You can also do certain combos like UOH->Shoryuken, but if you use the piano input method then the Shoryu will come out even when the opponent blocked it, so it's best to use only one button for that.

ディレイ - Delay:
When you intentionally delay certain moves.
This is used to throw off the opponent's anti-rushdown tactics or parry timing.
Famous examples are Yun's LP->LK->MP target chain and Yang's Mantis Slashes.

先行溜め(最速溜め) - Charge Buffering:
When you input charge inputs like b,f+P as b,f,b+P.
With this, you can throw out the special and then quickly charge for another.
A famous example is Urien's cr.HP->MK Tackle->MK Tackle juggle in the corner.

溜め分割 - Charge Partition:
*I'm sorry if this will cause any inconveniences, but I will try to explain this portion myself while referencing the original article a bit.*

Charge partitioning is exactly what it sounds like: dividing the charge input.

- The easiest method is to charge down or back for as long as you want, then leave the stick to neutral, then tap f or u + P or K.
For example:
* Urien: charge down, neutral standing MP, u + PP (EX Headbutt).
* Alex: charge down, neutral close MK, u + K (Stomp)
* Remy: charge down, neutral LP, u + K (Flash Kick)

- Another method, which is similar to the one above, is done when parrying a one-hit move.
* With Urien, hold back, parry forward, then hold forward and immediately press Kick for a Tackle to come out.
* You can counter a jump-in attack with this method and then do an EX Tackle to extend the juggle. (Watch the short Youtube video of Kuroda's Urien to check it out)
* This method can also be used with Q's Dash Punch and Alex's EX Elbow Slash to punish fireballs.
* Theoretically, red-parrying forward should also work, but I've yet to try this.
(EDIT: This has been confirmed to work. Thank you, fire chocobo!)

- The follow methods do vary depending on the character and situation, but are still bound by one rule: the divided charges MUST add up to approximately 1.5 seconds, no more or less.

- The most famous example of charge partitioning is Urien's dash-up Headbutt.
* You charge down for a little bit, dash forward or back, IMMEDIATELY hold down during the dashing animation, then when the dash stops you press up + P.
* This also applies to "b,f" moves as well. (Urien's Chariot Tackle, Alex's Elbow Slash, Q's Dash Punch, etc.)

- Another example, with Urien: you can hold down, then tap left or right, then tap down, repeat until you completed the 1.5 second down charge, then you press up + P and his Headbutt will come out!
* This method can also be applied with his Chariot Tackle. Hold back, then tap forward, then back, repeat until you completed the 1.5 second back charge, then f + K.
* You can also just tap down repeatedly until you feel you completed the charge time, then tap up + P.

- The Sonic Machinegun: (Actually, I'm not sure how this works and I'm way too tired to translate this portion. Anybody fill us in and I'll credit you for it!)

Any character that has a charge move is able to charge partition, and there are many different input methods for it.

波動歩き - Hadou Walk:
SF3: NG and 2I both had fuzzy parries (mashing forward or down to parry).
3rd Strike eliminated this as when you input a parry, you can't parry the same direction between 23 frames.
Since [neutral -> toward] is done for a high parry, normally when you try to move forward you will trigger a parry instead.
If you input [neutral -> QCF], you will able to walk forward without triggering a parry.
It may be a bit bothersome, but it can help combat against things like Remy's Sonic Machineguns.

リバーサル(リバサ) - Reversal:
When you do a move immediately after recovering from wakeup or blockstun.
When you're down, you counter the opponent's wake-up offense with a move that has invincibility on wakeup(Shoryu), and counter an opponent's blocked move with a special of your own.
Ken is especially known to be able to reversal SA3 MANY moves on block, which is one of the reasons why he's part of the top three characters in the game.

TDK(立川の 大 吉さん) - Tachikawa no Dai Kichi-san:
In situations where you finish a juggle, the opponent will unable to do a reversal move right when landing on the ground.
In the first frame of the very moment you land on the ground, you're only able to parry.
(However, for some reason when a special move comes out during the second frame of your landing, the word "reversal" will show up on the screen)

With that, the offending player can attack the player mid or low, or even throw without any worries of a reversal.
(EDIT: One example of this technique is shown in the MOV Techniques list where Chun's j.HK is a better substitute for an SA2 followup than j.HP. Thank you NicaKO!)

More in-depth information:

.... for me tkd work after a reset or a empty jump -coreografo

Now I understand. Therapist, an Akuma player, told me he had trouble reversal teleporting out of Urien’s corner juggle reset into meaty fireball xx aegis setups. TDK is the principle at work here, preventing Akuma from reversal teleporting away. This explains why RX uses that setup on Akuma players rather than knocking them down. To me, it seems that coreografo is right. I have been programming empty jump ShinSho in parry training and am always able stuff that with a meaty. - fire chocobo

しゃがみブロ(しゃがみ対空ブロ)- Crouch Parry(Crouch anti-air Parry):
When the opponent jumps in, you first crouch and then input an anti-air parry.
Pretty much every time the opponent does a jump-in attack, you will be able to either have the move get whiffed or parried.
(Actually, this may be the "Guard jump-in with small characters" option select from the MOV list)

I'll try to update/edit this post whenever new information is brought up, I find a clearer meaning to some of these techniques, and so on as soon as possible.

Certo tanta roba andrebbe sistemata... Soprattutto (o solo) nella lista di MOV, che contiene probabilmente parecchie imprecisioni/banalita' ma ok.
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view post Posted on 4/6/2011, 01:09

stand by moi

floating in space



alcuni tricks però sono fumosi
view post Posted on 4/6/2011, 13:12

Cazzo ma Self-invocation 2 è il parry confirm for dummies, è abbastanza logica ma non l'ho mai usato, in genere cerco di reagire alla parry ma con scarsi risultati.
i.e. la parry avversaria ti garantisce frames aggiuntivi in cui cancellare la tua mossa normale in speciale, e questo lo sapevamo. Quindi fai un option select tipo cmkxxsho di ken dove cancelli il calcio basso in sho fuori dal tempo limite che avresti normalmente per farlo. TNX

DED ok, ultimamente ne abbiamo visti anche di più ingegnosi e meno scontati tipo da HP standing close di ken in shyppu diretta.

Self-invocation 4 vabeh, non c'è bisogno di spiegarla.

Quelle dopo le conosciamo tutte direi

view post Posted on 4/6/2011, 15:18

bella self-invocation 2... è quella che mi sono scoperto, l'ho fatta vedere a cdg a LUN 2 o 3 volte fa, con Q facendo una roba strainutile tipo: cancellato lentamente in catturazione mòòòòòòòòrtale... se block niente, se parry esce catturone e beast... il brutto è che non fare niente dopo se l'altro blocca è punizia free asd quindi è una figata però direi rischiabile solo se avversario ti può punire al max con poka robba ^^
view post Posted on 4/6/2011, 15:24

meglio mixupare il self invocation 2 in super\command grab con cl st mk cmq, certo che se fai il command grab e l'avversario fa qualcosa dopo la parry te pappi tutto
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